Figure 1

Advances in the use of GABAergic interneurons for the treatment of epilepsy

Giorgio R Merlo*, Federica Frisina#, Giulia Valetti#, Giulia Zuccarini# and Luciano Conti#

Published: 04 September, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 009-022


Figure 1:

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the main cell-based experimental strategies to epilepsy. A,B. The source of IN progenitor cells of rodent (A) or human (B) origin, used in experimental therapies. In rodents, most studies use progenitors obtained from dissociated MGE, or neurosphere derived from the same progenitors. In human, research is focusing on the use of iPSC derived from somatic cells as a source of IN progenitors to be used in cell-based therapies. C,D. The most widely used models of epilepsy (induced or spontaneous) and the corresponding experimental strategies adopted for cell-based treatments in the hippocampus (C) or in the cortex (D). Spontaneous epilepsy is the consequence of genetic manipulation disrupting disease-relevant genes. On the other side, seizure can be induced physically by MES, and chemically with PTZ, pilocarpine or kainate. Abbreviations are indicated in the text.

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