Figure 3

Preliminary Report on the Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Patients with Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction

Cesar A Keller*, Thomas A Gonwa, Athena L Russell, David O Hodge, David B Erasmus and Abba C Zubair

Published: 28 August, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 035-047


Figure 3:

Cytokines and Growth Factors Profile By MSC Dose Groups. Group 1 received 1×106 MSC/kg; Group 2, received 2×106 MSC/kg; and Group 3, received 4×106 MSC/kg. Plasma was analyzed for the presence and concentration of 42 secreted human cytokines and chemokines. Changes in cytokine levels greater or less than 1 SD from the mean baseline levels were considered significant. Overall, the number of cytokines and growth factors affected appeared to decrease with increasing MSC dose.
EGF- Epidermal Growth Factor; FGF-2- Fibroblast Growth Factor 2; Flt-3L- Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand; G-CSF- Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor; GM-CSF- Granulocyte Monocyte Colony Stimulating Factor; GRO pan- Growth-Related Onconge; IL- Interleukin; INFα2- Interferon α 2; INFγ- Interferon γ; IP 10- Interferon γ-Induced Protein; MCP- Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein; MIP- Macrophage Inflammatory Protein; PDGF- Platelet-Derived Growth Factor; AA- Two a sub-units; BB- Two b sub-units; RA- Receptor Antagonist; RANTES- Regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted; sCD40L- Soluble Cluster of differentiation 40 ligand; TGFα- Tumor growth factor α; TNFα- Tumor Necrosis Factor α; TNFβ- Tumor Necrosis Factor β; VEGF-A- Vascular Endothelial growth factor A.

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