Published: 07 September, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 052-062
Figure 2:
Arid3a increases expression and influences differentiation. (A) mES cells show an increase in Arid3a protein levels upon differentiation. mES cells were grown in chamber slides in the presence (undifferentiated) or absence (differentiated) of LIF for 3 days. Cells were stained for Arid3a expression (green), and nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). (B) Arid3a +/+ mESC show an increase in Arid3a expression during differentiation induced through removal of stem cell factors compared to GAPDH expression. (C) Arid3a -/- mESC differentiate into embryoid bodies more rapidly compared to wildtype. Two different Arid3a-/- ES cell lines (Arid3a-/- ES-1 and Arid3a-/- ES-2) and Arid3a+/+ ES cells were grown in suspension culture without LIF to promote differentiation. Arid3a-/- ES formed CEBs more quickly, more often, and much larger then Arid3a+/+ ES. Images are at day 10 differentiation. 2.5x magnification. (C) Arid3a-/- mES do not differentiate correctly in adherent cultures. Two different Arid3a-/- cell lines and Arid3a+/+ mES cells were grown in suspension culture without LIF to promote formation of EBs for eight days. EBs were allowed to adhere to gelatin coated cell culture plates. Arid3a-/- mES cells did not appropriately adhere to the cell culture plate and appeared to incompletely differentiate. Images are at day 13 differentiation (2.5x magnification).
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